Uxmal is my favorite newbie zone. I start 50% of my characters in Uxmal.
Zhenshi is my second favorite newbie zone, where I start the next 40% of my characters.
I dislike the Taslamar newbie zone. I get lost there and can't level for turd. I dislike the Empire newbie zone because I seem to level there slowly too.
The worst is Northern Wastes. Trying to start there is pretty much unbearable.
Enishi wrote:
I think Uxmal has excellent flavor... in other words it feels like the place its supposed to be, it doesn't feel like a "zone" the way some places have turned into. But as a result the place on the whole is really confusing for anybody starting out there.
Well, to clarify why Teron is my favorite newbie zone, it's because I built the area during my time as the Uxmal KD. Enishi's comment really hits what I was seeking in the area, trying to give it a bit more appropriate ambiance to what had existed there before. At the time I rebuilt the Teron newbie zone, EVERY newbie zone in the game consisted essentially of 3 NPCs in a room, each room growing progressively more powerful, with zero roleplay reason why your character would be there. I injected the newbie zone into the arena and began an overhaul of the arena that didn't quite reach completion- I'd say about 1/2 of what I'd originally had planned for the arena was never finished.
What I still love about this newbie zone is that it made ALL of the lowest level, basic skills & spells available and at a reasonable price for every character class who created there- which was unheard of in SK prior. It was the first newbie zone to inject shopkeepers, a tailor, a blacksmith, and readily available food source into the newbie zone, which was also unheard of in SK at the time. It was the first newbie zone that provided the first semi-respectable looking newbie armor/equipment, so giant barbarians didn't have to come out of newbie school wearing "beastie booties". It finally provided a viable RP story behind the newbie zone and for characters who began there.
However, in retrospect, there are two big errors I made in the area that I wish I'd done differently.
First, I wish I had finished building UP the arena. It would have given the newbie zone a much richer atmosphere if the upper areas had been finished.
Second, I wish I had made navigation of the area more easy. It was fully my intention that a newbie had to work at finding his way out, and I didn't want the path handed to him on a map. It made sense to me that the arena in Teron might take some work for the newbie to find his way out of. However, in retrospect, if you eliminate navigability for the sake of "reality" or "authenticity", you're simply replacing one problem with another. A good newbie zone should be easily navigable. The path for advancement, while it shouldn't be as boring as three rooms lined up with 3 different levels of NPCs, it shouldn't be as difficult as Teron's newbie zone is to exit. Especially in consideration of true game newbs.