Dulrik wrote:
Redman wrote:
Hey D what is the chances you will modify Persuade to make it useful?
Much as it pains me to agree with OA, the skill is already useful with it's narrow focus. There are several cute tricks you can pull with it in addition to free buffs. Anything wider becomes 10x more abusable. We tried it that way when testing bards before their introduction and Chemhound found all kinds of broken things to do with it.
The problem is that this is supposed to be a mentor level skill for something that is so narrow in focus, while it is good in that narrow focus, it doesn't merit the mentor status. You might as well give it to Journeyman. It is much weaker than charm person, but at the same time bards are not true casters. So, it balances out.
Since, it should not be a mentor level skill, can bards actually get a mentor level skill that is worth that status?