I don't understand why everyone had such a strong negative reaction to this idea.
From a branding perspective, you could call it something else, like "SK-blade" or just "Blade" and make it clear that what one is participating in was test environment that in no way, shape, or form was connected from an IC perspective to the SK regular world.
In terms of player retention/reattraction, it might help people who are shy about PK, overly attached to their loot, slow to type, etc. etc. to get more comfortable with the fast-paced PK aspect of SK and give others an interesting departure from the regular SK for a while (I mean hells, people are STILL talking about when they got to play on that test server one Thanksgiving years ago). I'm guessing some oldbies might come back just to check it out if they knew they didn't have to level something and could play for a weekend also. It would have got ME back in for a day.
From the perspective of attracting new players, you have something different to advertise once in a while (like the Bonanzas). You paint it as an opportunity to come and see what the PK aspect of SK is like and try out the different classes/races.
Aneira wrote:
I'd rather have a weekend where PVP is disabled and everyone is forced to fountain RP.
There already ARE RP only events. They're called Bonanza weekends during which PK is pretty much disabled for 1/3 of the time. I honestly think this idea could be an interesting way to break things up once in a while without damaging the SK brand.