Dulrik wrote:
First off, I read and appreciate Dayamin's essay of opinion. And even though there is a lot of animosity, archaicsmurf seems to have valid opinions as well. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that there are two camps of people talking past each other here.
Dayamin doesn't want there to be RP-less PK. Archaicsmurf doesn't want PK restrictions. Personally, I agree with both of those goals. Unfortunately, I don't know of any real solutions. By all means report a PK if you feel you have been PK'd without RP, but most situations I have dealt with are rarely so straightforward.
In the meantime, there is the new code for theft from bodies. I also need to make a few additions so that destruction of a body or picking up the body also counts as theft.
It just needs to be coded so that a pc can use non-lethal force but still actually break a limb.
That and once a vital body part is at 0 hp that the character is considered stunned instead of the entire hp pool. That way someone can deliver a vicious blow to your head and knock you out. Kind of like when a boxer delivers a sweet punch to the chin and the other boxer folds.