Dulrik wrote:
Mehloncholy wrote:
1) Can/have RP rewards been readjusted (high and low end) to match the new experience curve?
XP per quest was already taking account of the level of the quest. Quest rewards will continue to be tweaked as we observe the new changes.
What about the actual reward system ("You have been enlightened..." itself? Was that tick (%agish) based or actual (number) based?
I've also completed a couple of quests post change in areas I was using to level where I was not too overly familiar and did not notice a significant (tick) amount of xp. Granted I could have been at the fringes somehow.
Dulrik wrote:
Mehloncholy wrote:
2) Can/have discoveries of new area experience (high and low end) been adjusted to match the new experience curve?
Discovery experience was already taking account of the level of the area. I don't have any specific plans to tweak this right now.
Post change, I went exploring to a place I consider leveling areas (easy kills --> much more powerful) and did not get the xp for them. (I got the discovery message, not the experience one). That's what prompted this portion of the post.
I'll keep it down for a bit and document things directly.
Thanks for the time.