Rial wrote:
Charm when used in pk shouldn't require anymore rp than the rest of the spells/skills in the game.
There simply isn't time to rp during pk and its risky to do it afterwards, to expect a sorc to do anything other than o all remove all, o all drop all during pk is absolutely absurd.
As I understand it, the entire argument around RP stemmed and grew from the notion that charm victims must be cooperative and behave a very specific way, and to act otherwise is cheating. From there, it ended up turning into this. Honestly, if it's going to be nothing more than a pk spell, that's fine, but if it's going to be defined that way, it should be applied equally to both sides.
As far as balance, charm is totally fine.
Sounds to me like you don't really understand the concept of balance. Balance not only involves numbers and statistics, but the concept of risk versus reward. My gosh, this spell not only allows you an instant win if successful, (loot is irrelevant, the same is true of a corpse) plus absolute humiliation of your victim, should you so choose. People even go so far as to attempt to extend the benefits beyond the immediate pk, trying to "brainwash" their victims, or turn them into agents of their own agenda. All of that for nothing that requires any skill other than casting the spell. All of that on a spell that requires the victim to be tanked up in equipment to protect themselves from it, and even then they aren't completely protected. Yet you want to argue that it's balanced?
Get some 5 greater will items and charm will hit 1/10 times as shown in the log peso posted.
Name me another spell that grants an instant win unless the player is amazingly docked out and I will show you another that could probably use some tweaks. Those aren't anymore "balanced". You're suggesting that a spell that is part of a standard caster's repetoire is balanced when it requires -heavily enchanted equipment- to counter it's win effects. Completely ignoring the fact that most other classes can't easily come by that, making them dependent on other casting classes just to *maybe* stay alive. Balanced? Are you kidding me?
Obviously nobody here knows what they are talking about when they complain about charm.
Charm is an old school stock spell. Please don't pretend you have some special insight that no other idiot here has.
-Clearly- fear from a max art necromancer is 10x as good as charm but nobody is complaining about that.
So get your resident Algon on it right away. He'll be glad to show us how much it needs to be fixed.
I mean how people can complain about spells at all is beyond me, everyone knows the counter to them and when fighting a prepared melee char all casters other than necromancers are literally -useless-.
The fact that you regard it as complaining no matter the input says a great deal about a lack of real perspective. You're outright dismissing any challenge of the spell as if it were magically balanced. Charm isn't and never has been short of modification.
IE taunt/voodoo. Anyone who complains about a spell like charm which has a blatant and easy to acquire resist needs to first stfu and then focus on voodoo/taunt which literally don't have counters.
Problem with them? Make an active effort to have them changed. Don't get all huffy over the fact that people don't see eye to eye with you. Honestly, you start calling everyone whiners and telling them to stfu, you lose any credibility that rage-less insight would have given you.