Rial wrote:
If anything mages should be the ones complaining about the fact that good resists literally make their enemies ignore their spells. where as melee damage can be reduced but rarely ignored entirely. But as I said, I think charm should be at least veteran and the casting time should be as long or longer than petrify.
If people took the time to get their things enchanted and enchanted the way to prevent charm, then why would you be pissed that your spells that took you all of five seconds to learn (sure hours to master) bounce off of the target. (When I say learnt in 5 seconds I do not mean the time it took to level, or find a trainer, but the time it took to type train 'charm person')
The funny thing with having resistance on one type of spell group usually means they are weaker to most others. So spend a few moments learning what they are weak to and exploit it.
The reason why charm person can be learnt at such an early level is the fact that sorcs suck in combat, and around that time you can learn the spell you are dealing with stronger things that are getting two or three attacks vs. your one. You want sorcs to have charm person at a higher level I would suggest they get second attack.