Sakhul wrote:
There are three tweaks I would suggest to alleviate the mess that is 'charm person'
The first suggestion is one that I find highly unlikely to be implemented, but I feel that it needs to be mentioned. Before everyone gets their knickers in a twist I'd just like to ask that you to spare me the "You can easily get 5 greater willpower mods" crap, 'charm person' has become an "I win" spell and the difficulty in winning needs to be made more challenging. That is why I suggest that it be tweaked so that it is harder to land on PCs. I am not expecting Dulrik to accept this suggestion, but I felt it was necessary and wanted to throw it out there.
The second and third suggestions are rather similar and make perfect sense. I am expecting Dulrik to find these suggestions favorable and to accept them. Since the new change, your list of things that you can perform while charmed has been severely lowered, warranted or not it is something we're faced with today. Now to alleviate the power and ridiculousness of the spell I propose that a charmed person is able to do all the things that they could do prior to the last changes (quaff, tells, cb, etc.) in two situations; when in combat "Screw my master, I'm fightin' for my life here!" and when your master is not in the same room as you "That bastard left me all on my own here!".
Only problem with that is (I think) you could still rest prior to the recent update, so it would be abused like this
Master walks west
Tell X hey I am charmed and I am at this location.
or quaff WoR vial
or cb I am charmed and am at his location.
You want a real soluition?
Auto charm
If auto charm is on, you will RP with your charmer
If auto charm is off, your character dies right away and something pops into the room and eats the corpse.