I haven't had the time or the heart for SK lately, RL's keeping me otherwise occupied.
If hoarding is that much of a problem, here's a solution I've toyed with: if you're wearing something, keep the weight of the object the same. If you're not actually using it, double the weight of it. The closer you hold something, the less the weight matters. The more you're carrying, the more awkward, the more the weight is felt. Just a thought.
I actually enjoy leveling for the times I need an SK fix but don't have time to get into even quasi-serious RP. Or for the lonely hours when the who list is in single digits and I'm feeling too introvertive to send random tells looking for interactions. Leveling is easy. At time monotonous, but that's part of the coding attempt against a grinding style of gaming.
Sick of leveling? Go RP. It
can happen when you're not the biggest bad boy on the block. Let your character grow from his young and stupid days into his GM days of leetness. He'll be more impressive that way. Leveling may be insipid, but I won't complain until I can come up with a viable improvement to make it both require some sort of work so that high levels are an achievement, and also not be equally boring.
Before the current RL onslaught, my hours were dwindling not because of hording or leveling but the mindset of minimal RP that seems to fill the characters who spend maximum time in the game. Things like this:
Adroan wrote:
All I know is sk is more fun when you play with friends you know. This game is really all about pk and good armor/weapons.
That and the tactic of "The imps won't change the game to my whim so I will forget the RP of this game and flog a coding advantage to death so they will see that I am ultimately right!" Cue mustache twirling and maniacal cackle. The true awesomeness of SK comes when its slogan is realized. Roleplay and tactics, and lookit which comes first!
Oh, and as for colors, that's what zmud coding is for. If you don't have the know-how, toss a question up on the legal scripts thread.
That took entirely too much time to type, but that's the mini-rant that's been building in me lately.