Edoras wrote:
Still no numbers here. How many hours, seriously, for an enchanted suit?
I'm with Edoras hardcore on this one. This was admittedly almost two years ago, but I did, in fact, time how long it took to enchant my suit, bottom-to-top. On a sacred suit that came with
four enchantments already on it that spawned every twelve minutes after junking, it took approximately
thirty-forty minutes per piece to get seven balanced enchants. From a standpoint of probability, I should have had a 51.2% chance of getting three non-MR enchants in a row, excluding the possibility of evaporation and fading (hardly uncommon occurrences). To add to this, MR seems (or seemed) to carry a definitively stronger weight among the five stats.
To get seven enchantments per piece (on a kit in which eight pieces started with four), it would generally take me three-four hours with the help of a bard (my character was lucky enough to be married to one), or six-seven hours alone. In my more aggressive stages (as I found that seventy-eighty total enchants was not enough) I would put place ten enchantments on my sacred pieces, eight on the others. This would usually take about twelve-fourteen hours total to accomplish.
Anyone that says enchanting is fine as it is hasn't a [REDACTED] clue. It sucks. It's a prime example of a pointless grind.