jhorleb wrote:
hehe i have managed 18 on a ring... but that was incredibly time consuming.. at one time i had 17 saves on almost all of the Dabi sared suit wth sephini, that took about i dont know 35 hours im guessing!
Sorry man, I call utter BS. There is no way in HELL that you enchanted an entire suit to 17 enchants in only 35 hours.
I've never gotten a SINGLE piece of equipment to 17 enchants and I've played probably 3,000 (ugh, I hate thinking about that) hours of characters with enchant armor, none of whom were shy about enchanting.
Sypher, how many pieces have you had with 17 enchants on them?
Both my sorcerors combined, I could probably count the number of items on one hand, the only one I specifically remember was one of the blue runestones from the old Abyssal Tower.
17 enchantments on most pieces of a suit does infact seem very unplausible, I think I'd have to call BS on that one as well.
I saved all of Cerrilius's enchantments in an excel file that I still have. By the time I deleted Cerrilius, his entire suit combined was 56 MP, 11 MR, 24 Will, 26 Fort, 38 Reflex, 5 Dex.
That's 160 enchants exactly, divided over 16 pieces of loot for an average of 10 enchants a piece. Now you take into account that I had roughly 600 hours of playtime, and the fact that I was only ever PK'd once and that my equipment was not looted that one time, that means I had the same suit to improve upon over the entire life of the character, and believe me, I tried to improve on it every day, and that's the best it got. I simply don't see how it would be even -close- to possible to have a suit with an extra 7 enchants on most pieces when it took me my sorcs entire life to compile his. My suit was already essentially the equivilent of 2 greaters and a mod on each piece. 17 enchants would be like 4 greaters and a slight on most pieces, I gotta agree with Jhorleb and say it's not feasible, one piece yes, maybe two, not even close to a whole suit.