Basic tips that are useful for every class:
Always have a sturdy pet that can rescue and keep it in your formation: Being able to order while bashed allows you to o all rescue and then recover from prone and get away before your pet dies, if you time it right and don't have abysmal CHA.
Always have a word of recall potion, and also always watch your PE to ensure it never gets below 50%: If it does you're in danger of being unable to use your potion, or being unable to get far enough away from the portal stones after you do recall.
Always have access to whatever buffs you need to make your character PvP-viable and always be mindful of them so that you can utilize them at a moment's notice. For any melee class, for example, you should always have herbs, potions or scripted items that will grant you giant strength, haste, protection, armor, spirit aura (if no religion), sanc (perhaps), shield, ironguard, stone skin, and perhaps frenzy given the situation. Yeah, that's a lot of buffs, and they aren't all necessary for every fight. But you should -always- have giant strength, haste and protection as a warrior class: Otherwise just don't fight, period. Heal potions are also very useful, but if you're stuck being bashed it's hard to quaff heals, while if you're buffed up before being bashed you're still a viable machine. A warrior without buffs is nothing but an annoyance.
Carry around antidotes, -especially- cure blindness. Being blinded lasts for freaking ever, and if you don't have any cure blindness herbs in your inventory or container when you get blinded, then you're typically useless until it wears off. Scouts are amazing in these two areas and you should make friends with as many as you can find.
DON'T STACK MORE THAN ONE COMMAND AT A TIME. I cannot emphasize this enough. Stacking spells, combat skills (dirt, taunt, quaff, etc) or anything else more than one command deep is a recipe to get yourself completely wtfowned, especially with the new prone changes. The only exception to this is spam bashing your target when s/he is alread prone (At which point you need to be sure that you're spam bashing with the target's argument, or else if you get taunted/he gets rescued you'll bash someone else and miss the opportunity to keep them down.)
Lastly, get your stuff enchanted, or learn where you can find willpower/WIS mods. Asking around is perfectly acceptable as well. I'd suggest always having at least "Wise" WIS, with at least 15 or so willpower on your character to prevent OP Sleep staves from owning your face.
Finally, alias your commands. I don't care -what- it is, if it's at all viable in PvP, then make it short (no more than 3 letters, two is good) easy to remember, and learn it well so that you don't accidentally forget what it is or get it mixed up with another skill/spell (I still remember the time when I was with navelic in the northern Wastes, and I not only magma'd Navelic, but I rescued the necrophidious and tore our group to pieces. Worst player ever right here.)