furyofthen00b wrote:
On a serious note, I believe every sorceror upon deletion should final strike in a room with many PC's.
Adroan wrote:
Can not wait until my sorc is mentor, quick learn FS and let Syn have it.
Adroan wrote:
Can not wait to FS syn.
titus03 wrote:
Don't make someone angry if they can drop a nuke on you.
h0l09ram wrote:
Whats the point of having the spell if it never gets used? Ok since FS is so bad lets get rid of it, but while were at it lets get rid of harm bacuase that will kill ya, hey how about we get rid of every damaging spell in the game while were at it and take away all weapons too.
Attitudes like this is the exact reason I've turned more towards completely removing final strike from the game. The intention of this spell is completely lost on a good majority of the playerbase:
Helpfile wrote:
A final strike is the very last and most desperate defense for a sorceror who knows that she is sure to be defeated by her enemies.
Most final strikes do not fit this criteria. They are usually plots of revenge against a single player or a flippant effort to grief as many players as possible before deleting and thus avoiding any consequences.
Helpfile wrote:
It is the ultimate spell but it has an equally ultimate drawback.
This spell is defined by its consequences. Using it as a "fun" goodbye present for the playerbase upon a sorcerers deletion goes against the entire spirit of the spell. Sorcerers are only allowed to have it because of the severe consequences that they must roleplay through to use it. Without consequences, the spell shouldn't exist.
If the spell for some reason
must remain in the game, perhaps it should only be able to be learned by a sorcerer from an immortal. The character must meet certain criteria, such as hours, age and sound RP record as well as intent to play the character for a certain amount of time.