I hate leveling, myself. Done too much of it the past 10 years of gaming to want to continue doing it, to be honest. A necessary evil. It explains why it took me 1.5 hours to get one tick of exp against tough/powerful NPCs in a newly explored area at veteran(5). It makes me pause to want to make another character after that. Just my opinion.
My first concern about GM is that mana used to not be front loaded like hit points were, which makes higher levels more valuable to casters. Is this still the case, or has mana been readjusted?
What level do spirit dolls stop gaining stats for creating them? I thought it was champion, but do not recall with any certainty.
I don't remember if anyone brought it up. I remember potency of spells, but what about the duration? Don't they continue to get better the higher up you go as well? Faerie fire, poison, plague, frenzy, etc.
While not particularly a leveling issue, I have always felt that going from status to status was just a word, not an accomplishment until later in the game when it becomes a challenge to get that rarer than gold reward of exp. I would really like to see some sort of quest related system for, lack of better words, graduating from status to status.
Someleveltrainer saysto you 'I see that you have progressed well within your field and ready to become a Veteran. Before you may receive this title, I must ask you to do one final task to prove your worthiness.'
From here, it could be gathering something, killing something, traveling somewhere, or any of them. Upon completion, the new status title would be given, an item, maybe some coins and an item, as well as some exp to help get one or two of the new skills/spells.
It could be expanded to make quests unique to the trainer, but that is a lot of work and would probably restrict a lot of leveling trainers who could do this sort of thing, due to the sheer amounts scripting that would be needed done. Or, simply make a list of five random quests for each kingdom for each trainer at each graduation point. That way it's not always the same thing over and over. It just all depends on how much time the staff has to devote on such a thing.
People complain that leveling for twinks is already too easy/fast. This would be a way to slow them down, even if it is a few minutes at a time, while giving the game a much needed sense of accomplishment, even for the lowly status gains.
Another way is to allow players to set a trainer appropriate for their class that they would have to go to each time. A pain, certainly, but it makes more sense from a role playing stance that there should be a main teacher. As well as making said twinks take time from their busy leveling schedule to go to their trainer. For the slower levelers, this won't be too much of a hassle as they go to the inn of their choice and fountain role play, so they can make a quick detour. Or set it so that up to three trainers can level the player, PCs counting, except for status changes.