Travorn wrote:
It explains why it took me 1.5 hours to get one tick of exp against tough/powerful NPCs in a newly explored area at veteran(5).
You're doing it wrong, and not just a little wrong. I'm talking VERY VERY WRONG.
Ain wrote:
Anyone remember exactly how much griping was made over the deathtraps in certain levelling areas? Hence, I like to make my snares (bear or otherwise) at least SOMEWHAT avoidable. If people are paying attention.
I personally feel as if leveling has taken an overall downturn since I started playing five or six years ago, mainly because A) It takes longer overall due to the recent code change, and B) All of the deathtraps that I recall back when I first leveled were removed, so now leveling is not only longer, but even more boring because there's zero danger unless you're playing a warlock. (And that's only by choice if you want to be a pro while you're leveling.)
Outpost NPCs? Seems like they've all been given sedatives. Dryad XP got nerfed hardcore, but they also got turned into something slightly less dangerous than pond scum that doesn't even cast spells. Even the trolls are laughable now, and they used to beat your face in if you crossed them.
Fytrysks? They hide in their own hole, three to a room now. Unless you're -looking- for them, you won't find them. I personally loved them because it forced people to actually learn to *gasp* look ahead of themselves before they went off stumbling around bumping into walls until they found something killable.
Hold Person? NPCs no longer cast it.
Confusion? Removed as well. Only one area has NPCs that cast chaos now, and they've been moved to mood defensive (longer cast time) and aren't even grouped anymore. Melee classes can easily two-round them as well, making any offensive spell a non-issue as they all take over a round to cast.
I mean crap, the mummies in Morea don't even CAST anymore, and they used to cast EDRAIN!!! They just sit there and do laughable damage until they die, they're practically walking XP factories: Good thing only 5 spawn at a time or they'd be actually useful for leveling.
For me, leveling's "challenge," if you can even call it that, has shifted from "Oh, I better be careful or I might die" and has become "Oh, if I time it right I can sleep in between all of the ticks and save myself a minute." There's zero danger, zero risk, and it's coma-inducing. Part of that has, of course, come with my experience with the game, but a large portion of it has come from leveling being castrated and turned into a big easy boring snooze-fest, to the point where now, killing NPCs that are too much higher level than you (Which used to be a viable way to level) actually returns a signifcant portion -less- experience. It's as if we're being punished for trying to find some sort of challenge in things. Making leveling both easier and longer just makes everyone that much more bored out of their skulls. WoW did this with Wrath of the Lich King, and I couldn't even make myself get to 80 because while the quests were passable at best, there was absolutely no challenge: It was no longer a question of "can I do this?" It instead became a question of "How long will it take to do this?" Boorrring.
I find it odd that all of these 'deathtraps' that existed in well-known leveling areas, like fytrysks, hold person, confusion, etc. were removed, but there are still DI,DH, aggro, spellcasting, armed, tracking imps that spawn on the road northeast of Teron, which any newbie could end up walking into if they were just exploring on a mount at level 15. I mean, at least turn off the track, or the detections. Geez.