Balantine wrote:
I'll take umbrage with that: Necromancers are not imba considering that 45min+ of work raising/buying 3 obsidian worth of weapons, can be wiped out with one 4-second spell. Or 1 ambush, 1 backstab, 1 charge, 1 ethereal sorc following and dispelling, etc.
Let's give light-aura the outfit command back at level 50, with equivalent gear and weapons. Oh wait, that's already basically in play here.
Hehe, I won't even address the necro issue, just say that you're wrong. Making EQ pop on area repop isn't a bad idea - and not just on lightie NPCs. It would still mean that you wouldn't have to kill a darkie NPC just to check whether the EQ would repop. It would make it easier for newbs as well to have a chance to locate EQ on the actual NPCs they are from. As has been said, some NPCs already operate on this principle. Summarizing, I think all eq should repop on area repops. In cases where you are unable to request, you would still have to kill it, just not twice which has never made much sense to me - effectively eliminating much of the extremely tedious waiting many expeditions struggle with now.