Turon wrote:
And worse still is the fact that even if you do manage to piece together a powerful enough suit to enjoy what you like to do with the game, any mistake (Or even unlucky roll) could end up sending you right back to square one in the enchanting game. In light of this, balancing the game towards Charm Person is in fact favoring all four archetypes of players, albeit socializers the least.
(WoW > SK)
That said, Charm Person is still overpowered.
Where did Charm Person touch you, Turos? Charm Person is not overpowered, even if you like to think that getting junked by a sorceror is stupid. As it stands, a sorcerer has exactly seven options to kill you. Toss magic missiles at you, toss acid, toss color, petrify, charm (be it through Lathron or directly) delete their character or scrolls from a different class entirely.
If you die to the first four, your gear isn't nearly as good as you think it is or you have no hands and you broke your nose trying to play a Hunter earlier.
Mercs have exactly three skills, all with no cast time, and it's all they need to kill any spell casting class in the game. With a cleave and a pet, you, too, can emulate the mighty Merc with giant strength and a reaching weapon.
This game is so heavily unbalanced in favor of melee it's pathetic. Charm Person, Colorspray and Finger of Death are virtually the only hostile spells anyone gets scrolls for because they're the only ones worth using. You can stand and spam magic missile at a meleer for weeks and he's one heal quaff away from laughing at you. You're two rounds from death tops with the best enchanted armor in the game if he touches you with his weapon as a caster. If he catches you without a pet you eat a ggbash.
Charm Person lets you have your very own meleer so that you don't instagibb when a real one looks at you. And you have to enchant your charm's gear as well. Twice as much work as you put in on your armor if they're into gearing for perfection like you are.
No, spending hours on your gear does not make you invulnerable. That is where the supposed tactics come from. Not from outgearing the opposition, but outmaneuvering them (Or just outnumbering them and spamming screens of combat). You should be happy that gear doesn't make or break the game entirely, not trying to make SK even more gear-dependent.
Want to avoid Charm Person? Walk out of the room when they start casting. Spells, unlike melee, can be avoided just that easily. Bet you never tried not fighting head-on instead of hoping you got someone else to enchant your stuff well enough to just steamroll someone before.
In closing, you can nerf Charm Person as soon as sorcerers get [A CERTAIN RELIGION SPELL THAT OVER HALF THE CURRENT PRIESTS HAVE].