Aneira wrote:
I dunno, as someone who is seen as playing 'diet coke darkies' I've gotten a lot of slack from other players/characters when I was thought to have been "acting out of alignment". Maybe it's different nowadays.
That's exactly what I'm getting at. Diet Darkie is EXCITING AND DYNAMIC, but Lightie Lite is punished. Dark is the new Grey, and Light is the new joke.
I will put on my angry apron for a moment here. I try not to do this often.
You people are retartedly trying to discuss and enforce D&D Good when your game plagiarized its alignments from Palladium instead.
Dulrik should add a series of questions to the Halls of Creation such as:
You have found an abandoned wallet. Do you (one) keep it or (two) attempt to return it to its original owner?
And then your character's alignment should be assigned.
This kibitzing enforcement approach creates too much work for the staff who should be creating and enhancing roleplay in the game instead of policing it from their inboxes.