stratford wrote:
FinneyOwnzU wrote:
No clue what you're talking about.
Your entire thread is ridiculous beyond tweaking the automatic Mentor-like tell that players get when a new character is created in their kingdom.
"Waah! People are trying too hard to help me! Waah!"
Some people just have to complain about everything because they think they know best. Amusing that you are making suggestions when as you say, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Classic attributional error. "Because this happened to me, it must mean that this is how it always is!" Classic fail.
And, if you don't want to deal with other players, then don't send out a freaking beacon for help with the mentor command.
Let me explain it slowly and clearly, you slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging halfwit, since you are of such a low gene pool you can't grasp the concept on your own. When you create a new character, it automatically sends a message to any player within the kingdom that is mentor status or greater.
A player creating a new character doesn't have an option whether the message is sent to potential mentors. I'm simply asking that veteran players that indicate they are not new players during character creation have the option to opt out of the mentor message being sent.
Was that slow enough for you, [REDACTED]?