FinneyOwnzU wrote:
I recently created a few characters and there has been one common factor for all of them: shortly after creating, I was pestered by what I consider overly aggressive mentors. I understand mentors are probably very helpful for new players, but as a veteran, I don't need any help.
However, short of telling these mentors to bugger off OOC, it's like trying to get rid of a door-to-door salesman. I can only assume this is because additional stat trains have been tied to the mentor system as an incentive.
I am fine with that and I don't think there should be any drastic changes. It would be nice, though, if during the creation process we were offered a toggle or opt in/out question for the mentor system. If you answer no to “Are you new to Shattered Kingdoms?” then add another question inquiring if you wish to participate in the mentor system. If you answer yes to “Are you new to Shattered Kingdoms?” then you would automatically be opted in as these are the players that would really need the help.
Consider yourself lucky. I have to actively go search for mentors to get anybody to pay any heed to my characters.
I also tended to ignore the tells I got while I was a mentor capable character unless there was a specific request for a mentor.