juggernaut wrote:
My guess: Voodoo shamans
Correct. The amount of +mana gear and the boost to mana trains actually cheapens the idea of spirit doll to begin with. No shaman should have the ability to rain down 1500 points of damage with a single voodoo and take out all but 3 classes, without even investing in the time to get a spirit doll.
It's exceptionally limp-wristed, digs at the bottom of the barrel for talent and has no tactical merit to the game. In fact it is actually favorable for someone like me to have a shaman voodoo, be paralyzed and then his guarding group be raped by my steamrolling group. Everybody should expect a group to be guarding the voodoo shamans.
The last time I visited voodoo was to joke and suggest that maledictions be added to the spell, which is incredibly stupid considering the amount of damage that can be dished out with it. Probably ninety percent of the time a voodoo will gank without even needing to check for maledictions.
Either that or the damage should be reduced to 1/4 or 1/5 of the shamans mana pool with no doll. I'm just of the opinion that it should highly be discouraged for people to roll shamans with the sole intent of voodooing people with no real reason at all (sort of like what I read with the whole Eleyna thing).