Meissa wrote:
While the sentiment is appreciated, I would have to see some good numbers to be convinced that such a drastic change needs to be implemented. If you are saying you could survive two voodoos, then I imagine the average player would likely survive one. Doesn't seem a big issue to me, especially since the variety of mana mods also has benefits to other classes.
That was true before the changes to mana trains, where it was possible for players to survive double and triple voodoo attempts (I know because I've done it before). That's someone who knows what they're doing though. The average player isn't going to survive one voodoo. That's why they are average.
Now the average mana dumped shaman could possibly come out with at least 1100 mana which is good enough to drop 3/4 of the player base without a spirit doll. If you add mana mods you can easily drive that up to 1400.
That's a crazy amount of damage even at a 2 for 1 exchange. Tell me how many people can actually survive that don't play a merc, barb or swash. The only argument to that is a magic resistant race.