This thread is based upon another thread, located here: Hiding behind your pet seems to be unheroic and thematically inappropriate for many classes. I would like to propose a number of steps that would change the nature of the game to allow pets a more natural and realistic role.
Step 1: You cannot position anyone behind your pet.
Step 2: Pets cannot initiate combat under any circumstance.
Step 3: Mounted pets always take 25% of all melee damage you would normally take.
Step 4: Once you are defeated in battle, your pet will flee to an adjacent location.
The third step is the most important one, since it addresses many minor issues. It increases the ability of classes to tank on the front row during a battle which many classes with Heavy Armor have trouble doing. It ensures that the pets role in combat is more organic since a real combat would involve the mount and the rider taking damage in a battle. It allows solo spell casters to feel safer against wandering monsters they might encounter in the world, while offering almost no advantage to them if they are casting from the back row of a group.