Doyenne wrote:
If you let people go say...Hammer/Keeper Druid/Guardian, the MC would be in major need of a massive buff.
Isn't MC already a tribunal/cabal combination? Benefits to cabals are special powers, benefits to tribunals is access to guard NPCs. Drawbacks to cabals are supposed cabal laws that RP dictates you follow, as well as enemies you have by just being in the cabal. Drawbacks to tribunals are you have to deal with the law system, and get a bunch of IC grief/stress, as well as enemies you have by just being in the tribunal.
I would think it's the Harlequins who would need some sort of buff. Maybe turning the black rose into a tribunal would even that out.
I'd also like to remind everyone that the MC is the only cabal that requires you to be a citizen in a certain country. Even though Zhensh tends to be fist, taslamarian tends towards the hammer, and ayamao guardians, what if you had an ayamaon hammer? Would the dual membership have to be with the "corresponding" tribunal? Or the one you're a citizen of?
It would lead to some difficult RP if people are in the cabals and tribunals of different countries, or at war with themselves on both sides.