Since you don't want to be picked on, I'll not point out your mistakes beyond this:
Dayamin wrote:
This thread was originally intended for Immortal attention and for whomever is responsible for these issues to step up and say, "I'm the person who handles naming issues, please come to me if you have any questions or concerns about naming issues. If I cannot handle your issue, please see the following immortal and they should be able to resolve your issue." It wasn't intended for a grep lecture about how I was supposed to follow the proper channels. I'm following them exactly as they're intended.
If you didn't want people to reply to your post, you shoulda written a PM then. Just sayin'.
Or try an e-mail. You know, like this:
Subject: Legal Name Enforcement
dayamin@butthurt.orgDate: 4/5/2010
webadmin@shatteredkingdoms.orgTo Whom It May Concern:
First of all, I found your e-mails via the WIZLIST command in-game. I hope this e-mail has reached the right people! Feel free to forward it if it has not.
I enjoy the Shattered Kingdoms experience. Adventuring in a fantasy world where roleplay and tactics collide is a wondrous leisure activity I feel blessed to participate in. You all have put together a GREAT game, and I love the unique, total immersion experience!
However, I have found that it sometimes does not happen as well as I think it is intended. There have been many times when characters with questionable names keep them, and some of these have even become characters of great renown and respect in the game community. Wouldn't it be best if the exemplars of great playing also set a high standard for name selection?
I know in the past that many characters have been asked to change their names, so I assume it is something you all take seriously. I was wondering if there was a specific immortal in particular who was responsible for judging names and handling reports of poor character name choices? I would like to make sure I communicate with the right person!
If there is no one immortal staff member with this responsibility, perhaps delegating this to one person would help make sure it is enforced more universally?
Thanks again for all the time you put into this game in order for me to be able to put time into it. Feel free to reply to this e-mail if you'd like to ask me any specifics or point me in the right direction, but I think it might be best if the identity of the name police was posted on the forums, or perhaps even in the wizlist!
Mature Community Member since 2004