This is my first attempt for a big post, and I gave myself 3 hours before
posting it to change my mind and not to.
If anything of what is written below does not make any sense, I will try to
explain myself better. Those written ofcourse are my -till now- experience of the game and what I've seen, been taught, and learned.
There are books inside the game that actually teach the (pc) how to react
on dark, grey and white aura encounters.Those books are written by
previous characters or imms, and are given to the rest of the characters
so they can follow some simple guidelines.
One of those <guidelines> is that a knight should never harm one of
white aura, no matter how misguided he is. Also those books don't
mention something about dark auras and killing but close inspection of
their actions and being around them to make sure they don't do anything
that compliments their alignment while they are near others.
Now, the help alignment command states clearly that the alignments are
just rough guidelines and I do agree 100% on this.
The characters we take the responsibility to give life to, are not bound to
any rules of ooc nature that we try to categorize them in, but then again,
items with different auras depend on them. Damage depends on those rules.
Except ofcourse the aforementioned 4 classes ,and if I may say 1 cabal,
that have to abound to those rules, or at least strive to roleplay as close
as it gets.
Even if I find it quite silly and nonsense to kill a darkie or a lightie on
sight only because of his aura (which imho it comes from their past
actions), I do think that paladins/hellions/clergy need this spell as through
divine blessing they can actually judge if someone has been naughty or
nice or will be. Ofcourse I would prefer myself to see that the spell is
taken of the game,so people can actually roleplay diabolic personalities.
There was an instance yesterday of an absolute fantastic and worthy of
enlight diabolic character that took the form of non playable race, that I
do believe he might be the one that created this topic, and even if not, it
was an instance that "know alignment' and 'detect aura' prayer, led my
character to be 'unfriendly' towards her/him. That ofcourse has nothing to
do with the rest of the classes, but he/she must accept the fact, that
when he chooses an evil alignment, diabolic in this instance, he takes
risks that involve unfriendly encounters, by Players and NPC's alike.
(There are places, that don't like evil alignments and attack them on sight after all.)
And from what I've read and learned and heard and saw till now, there is
a certain organization(cabal) with sole purpose, to seek,hunt, and cleanse,
any evil found in this world.
Also, as I've read and came to believe, paladins and hellions are chosen
by gods when they see one with extraordinary faith on a particular god,
(hence the spells before choosing religion) The virtues he will nurture
though, will dedicate him to one more than another. So, even if roleplay
should be judged by actions, we see blemish in the game, atonement,
confessions and sins. Things that one perceives differently according to
the god he follows. And beyond that, hellions and paladins are knights
who dedicated themselves to fight other religions and promote their own,
as the gods do themselves in heavens, as they are an extension of the
gods in the mortal realms
If the aura/alignment detection spells are removed, people should be
ready to face any technical difficulties with the items they try to grab,
cities they want to visit etc. And the NPC characters should have their
aura discrimination issues changed to a race discrimination or a spoken
language one.
EDIT2:Also, since the only thing that will be able to give our characters a
fair warning about the deeds of a another after a change like that, are
the news that travel around the world./FINISHED EDIT
Maybe something like a 'bard spell' could be implemented or a certain
change to the Title people carry.
For example. (Title changes depending
on if the person in question has killed many good alignment people or
dark alignment ones, if he is a member of a certain cabal, or what was
the language he spoke the most. Or if he was ever an oathbreaker or
deported from a city for his crimes) You know, things that are difficult to
remain hidden forever. (Achievements, if I may call them)
Actually I do believe that the alignment of someone should change
depending on their actions and roleplay, lets say once a month.
We could have fallen paladins that turned into hellions (like the story of
their creation). Necromancers that saw that what they were doing was evil and
changed their class into hmm, a mage ? And other nifty changes that will
promote roleplay rather than lock it in tight boundaries . [/EDIT3]
Just throwing some ideas that may or may not be silly.
Anything else technical involving combat and the rest, I'll leave this to the old players that have more experience on the matter.