At least the jail system is more tolerable to a degree than it was in the past. You want to talk about destroying the richness of RP? There used to be characters that started all kinds of wonderful IC conflict with cities and were eventually caught and thrown in jail, only to find out their term was 100+days, so the OOC solution was delete, delete.
The system as it is now is far better than ever. When the parole changes went into effect, people were still outlawed, but could essentially taste freedom so long as they didn't break any other crimes for a long time. You can serve jailtime while offline, so bust out that alt you've been toying around with and enjoy some richness on another character, multiplay free of course. You can pay money for lesser crimes to reduce or eliminate jail time entirely, and coin in game is unbelievably easy to get now to pay off the law for most muggings. Or just RP a pardon or jailbreak, then go back to being dastardly evil. There were a lot of options added because of the limitations to the jail system to ease much of the burden.
The most important point anybody made on this thread so far has been, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Or, just don't get caught. If you do get caught, RP somehow that you're turning yourself in to the leaders and see if you can cut a plea bargain deal, Law & Order style.
I definitely don't agree that the jail system should be removed entirely, however, because people shouldn't be able to just tear through cities more than they do now and destroy the richness of the game for newer players still discovering the game. The primary cities are not only a place for vets to hang out, they're a safe haven for newer players to get used to the environment. It would look really bad for the game if you were trying to show a new player around, but had to tell them they couldn't train at such and such or buy something from whomever because that NPC keeps getting killed without the offenders ever seeing punishment. As a result of that alone, and the sweeping changes that have been made in recent years, I don't think any changes will be made or should be made any time soon. Alot of the complaints in this thread were the same ones from a few years ago, and sparked the evolution into the jail system in place today.