Rennus_Dragonsbane wrote:
Alright, so you are agreeing with 3 of my 4 points. And then agreeing with the reason why didn't lose their cabal status... but also agreeing that they should have lose their status as a cabal? Or did I misunderstand
orac wrote:
Why MC didn't loose it's cabal status when tribunals were made, I don't know.
as being like a sarcastic remark? To me, that seems like you are saying they should have lost it. Damn this forum and lack of sarcasm tags!!!
I actually don't think they should loose their cabal status. when I say I don't know why MC wasn't made into a tribunal and new empire of the bright star centered cabal was made, is because i don't know what dulriks reasons were for leaving mc as a tribunal/cabal and not splitting things up like every other kingdom.
Back then fist was the law in zhenshi, Hammer in tas, mc, in empire, and so on. I don't know why mc didn't become the tribunal and a new cabal get made. That's all that means. I don't know why dulrik didn't change it, I'm glad he didn't though. I like mc.