Dexity wrote:
i would say, polemaces are essential to a leveling priest (unless you are a dwarf or griffon) its kinda hard to make it to jman without reach seeing that you get no damage spells untill then.
grep wrote:
Snoop people leveling and tell me how many priests don't use reach to deal damage to journeyman.
Tell me how many sorcs don't use reach to get around the wonky targeting mechanics for magic missile.
Then tell me how many n00bs you saw.
What the CRAP is wrong with you people???
Cure light, STR mods, flanged maces or staves, bless/frenzy, undead, and if you're not lighty, halflings. That's all you need to get to jman EASY on any priest, and by easy I mean 10 hours or below including investment RP and min-maxing to get crap for charisma.
Anyone who uses a polemace to level is going to take two or three times as long to gain experience as compared to someone with a front row mace or staff. Have any of you actually TRIED putting on armor and fighting front row with a mace up until journeyman? It's crap easy even in cloth, especially if you get some helpful guy to put humming enchantments on your weapon.