Here's a griffon skill that might make them more useful, Tentatively named : Grapple, though i don't like that name but am at a loss right now for something better.
[Skills help] Grapple
Syntax: Grapple <victim>
Grapple is the ability of a griffon to make use of it's poweful wings in combat. Essentially, at the start of battle, the griffon swoops in and grapples it's opponent, if the attack is successful the griffon then makes a steep climb and drops it's foe to the ground below. Any non flying enemies of size large or less, free fall to the ground until they meet it with the sickening crunch of bones
Basically it would work like this. It's an oppening attack, can't be used once battle has started. The griffon swoops out of the sky quickly, grabs you with it's claws and beak and tail and swoops back up and drops you. You then take falling damange and possibly some secondary effect.
the skill is very limited. It won't work on flying people. It might not work on size giant people ( I'm undecided basically since a giant can't ride a griffon why would a griffon be able to lift it into the air?) unless the griffon is enlarged to giant, and the damage wouldn't be all to severe. Maybe the same as dismounting from a flying pet while you aren't flying.
That's a bit of a griffon buff, and it's specific to the griffon race. Obviously this wouldn't be a sprite tactic. To me this doesn't seem over powered either. It's quite a bit weaker then Gore.