meztiso wrote:
its also easier to take advantage of racial weakness when you know where to buy the proper weapons. easier to level when you know where to buy the proper armor. I still thank god for the armor in Nerina.
it seems obvious to someone like you who knows where to get the armor/weapons and where to level but instead of saying Get the armor and weapons and hack away how about telling people where you get your armor/weapons and where you level?
Holy Hells, could you whine more? I am probably one of the slowest levelers you will ever meet. Even knowing where stuff is and basically what to do I still manage to fail, but I also manage to have fun playing SK without being GM immediately with tons of leet gear etc.
You want to know how to level? Edoras told you and grep is telling you too, don't look for an OOC list somewhere, ask IC and OMG I know this is a difficult concept but, make your own. That is what I did, you have a priest, dark, light, grey? Find other priests of your aura and ask them what they did, compile it together in notepad and try it out yourself to see what works best for you.
These people, nice enough to give you tips without holding your hand, did it themselves as well and figured out the best way for them. There is an area list in game use it, you can pretty easily figure out what areas have light or dark auraed NPCs. Test out different prayers on different NPCs and see who gives you the most exp. Will it take a bit of time to figure it out? Sure, is it hard? No.