jhorleb wrote:
Achernar wrote:
Its fine with me if the "drop" were created when the NPC was born instead of died. Items held by some NPCs and some specific items and types of items will behave strangely when the NPC is killed. However, I think this is the ultimate response to the economy code. The NPCs instead of just hoarding gold, begin hoarding items that people want.
Just to clarify, are largely talking about consummable items being 'dropped' that are currently sold by shopkeepers?
Also, with regard to driving down prices when people sell these dropped items: selling items doesn't seem to do that. It should, but it doesn't. It just drives down the price the shopkeep is willing to pay YOU for them.
Actually it does. Example
I have 5 items of x
I sell item x for 1 gold the shopkeep sells it for 5
sell 2nd x time for 9 silver 9 copper Shopkeep sells it for 4 gold 9 silver 5 copper(just an example, seeing as I don't have a log to prove, but I do notice a drop in price for the item you sell)
Also note that it doesn't affect each item the shopkeep sells only the item that you sold repeatedly will drop in price. So while you sell x item, y item will remain the same price till it is bought or y item is sold again