Edoras wrote:
Again, an MR barb could be wicked killer, but not by himself. He'd need a team that included a dedicated enchanter. My natural tendency here is to go further into detail, but I just can't bring myself to do it in case I ever get the chance and desire to pull it off.
No amount of enchanting is going to make an MR barbarian any better. Even with 200% MR, absorbing a heal spell will at best cure 12% damage. That's not nearly enough to stay competitive. Not to mention losing the ability to use giant strength and haste, any tribunal buffs, or whatever else is a huge detriment to playing the class.
The only phrase I can use to describe an MR barbarian is pain in the [REDACTED]. It's one of the few concepts that can bring trips to places such as the outer planes to a screeching halt while being alive.
I guess the good side of it is that your barbarian will be immune to faerie fire, which is a sekrat rape spell. But outside of that small bonus, there's no bonus to relying on magical resistance.