[] If you play a sorceror and are going to charm a NPC always go wimpy 100 and go front row that way if you fail you flee away and don't risk killing your pet.
[] Know and remember each racial weakness for people you pvp against. They are more powerful and give you more of an edge than you might think.
[] auto compact, nospam, and triggers that highlight selected words are crucial for catching important events in PVP.
[] If you play a healer your first priority should always be to heal in PVP or PVE situations. Let fighters do their job, you do yours.
[] Everyone should use to info catcher, especially healers.
[] If you're pvping against a rogue, always keep a pet or NPC behind you.
[] deafen yourself against swashbucklers to make their taunt skill useless
[] When taking hits(in PVE) always use mood defensive
[] Heal vials are necessary for PVP
[] Always leave yourself a way out. (pvp)
[] Get access to as many buffs as possible. (tribunals, pills, potions, herbs)
[] Maxxing a natural stat (dex,con,wis,) will you give you more reflex, fortitude, and willpower than enchants will of the same amount. ex: 4 wisdom is greater than 4 willpower.
[] Keep a notepad of useful IC information. Sometimes it comes in handy when you need to access an area or quest and you can't remember how to.
www.jeanv.dk is a very useful website.
[] Only go into PVP on your terms unless your roleplay requires you to suicide. People will come into your territory with larger numbers and then trash you when you don't come 3v1 them, just type "quiet" and ignore them. If you're a ranged character then do all you can to stop them, but to roll into a room outnumbered is suicide on this game.
[] If you play a female character you will be solicited for mudsex. Do not play female characters.
[] Do not play tired, or try to do something risky when you have to log off soon. You will die, and then you will have to leave.
[] Certain race/combos are superior in every way to others. Unless you are a complete RP [REDACTED], recognize them, and abuse them.
[] The element of surprise is the greatest tool in PVP.
[] The most useful items in the game are constantly horded, so accept that you need to PK for them, or else you will be waiting for a monthly reboot or someone to delete.