Edoras wrote:
In SK, water beats fire. Just the way things are.
Reminded me of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Rock beats scissors...yeah, I got broken scissors, these are useless to me now. Scissors cuts paper...yeah, I got tiny strips of paper now, what can I do with this? Useless. Paper covers rock...Rock is fine! Rock can break out an anytime, just say the word.
Thread derailing aside, who said anything about water when it came to the toughness of just fire. We said that compared to water, fire is much weaker. If you're suggesting that fire is breakable -because- water beats fire, then I'd ask for a different explanation, because I don't like that one. Flame armor doesn't just disappear if the wearer gets rained on. They are elements, that's it. They should be equal in toughness, imo.
This is where you might argue that stone is an element, but sucks. True, but adamantite is also a part of the real element behind stone...earth. SK took the element of earth and split it into most of the heavy armor types, if not all.
I dunno if what I'm saying has any real value behind it, but it's what I'm thinking at the moment.