Was working with a very new character, very realistically new to MUDs completely, and at one point ended up in the 'help description' file, and this link that does not seem to be a good description at all... as it is broken.
Also broken, I've just noticed, are both links in
Recommended Links (Newbies FAQ) under 'HELP WITH DESCRIPTIONS ' are also broken! Also one under 'HELP WITH PICKING A NAME ', 'GENERAL INTEREST TOPICS ABOUT MUDDING ', and the only one under 'PASSWORD SECURITY'
There are also responses there from 2009 stating some links were broken then and to be worked on. Maybe they were, but more have obviously broke since then.
SO, what I am going to suggest is that those of us that have been around for a while throw out a few links of our own in responses here, and update that list ourselves! I'll give a few myself, and try to keep to the description scheme.
My hands wrote:
BASIC EXPLANATIONS AND HELPI have no additions to this one, but perhaps others will.
HELP WITH PICKING A NAMEhttp://dicelog.com/yafnagen-- Contributed by the_me
HELP WITH DESCRIPTIONSviewtopic.php?f=25&t=18369-- SK's NPC (Mobile Object) Description Bank. Some additional example descriptions can be found here. May be useful for the Sorcerer "polymorph" spell.
ROLEPLAYINGI have nothing, however, someone could surely find some good (shorter/shortened) examples from their own logs, or elsewhere.
HELP WITH SPELLING AND GRAMMARhttp://www.google.com-- Search for the word in question, followed by 'definition'. Google will help correct any spelling mistakes.
http://dictionary.reference.com/http://thesaurus.com/-- Two linked tools, great for selecting an adjective for your character. Some of the word games there can get the creative juices flowing too!
HELP WITH AMERICAN MEASUREMENTShttp://www.unit-conversion.info/-- Handy tool for conversions. (More comprehensive and pretty strait forward compared to the one linking to a teaching english in japan site...)
HELP WITH UNFAMILIAR SLANG USED IN THE FORUMSPeso maybe? (urbandictionary is fine as is)
GAME MAPShttp://www.shatteredkingdoms.org/map-- Gasp! Why was this one omitted. It's a classic.
GENERAL INTEREST TOPICS ABOUT MUDDINGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EXrpJ_6A08-- ... ladyjennbo's link in her thread "Let's make fun of ourselves."
PASSWORD SECURITY-- Just advice. Make your password at least 8 characters long, contain at least one capital letter, and one number. Also petition for SSL maybe?.... (too much?)