Antiira saw Rorey before deleting.
All he gave me was a greater strength mod.
Seriously, Edoras, what's with that? I thought you loved me.
You said "it's been fun" and left, and I was like . . ."Huh, is he going to delete? Nah, he'd have given me more lewt if that were the case."
I hated Antiira's adjective. It was a constant reminder that the character couldn't possibly have been serious when he was first created. I grew to like and appreciate the character, though. Good job on another great character. He was definitely evil and happy in the creepy sort of way. Antiira was a scary dude in pvp, even after I got the sorc class nerfed. If it weren't for those various logs where you zap yourself with chain lightning and die, I'd heap on a ton of praise of your pvp with this character.
Thank you for helping Rorey with lewt gathering and enchanting. I made him specifically to help you out when people were saying that the game was Antiira vs. 1000 lighties. So of course it comes as no surprise that you deleted after we did what . . . two pvps together? Chump. Anyways, you know you're one of my favorite players. See you around.