Really? I realize that this has been around for a while, but I haven't been around for a while, to have to deal with it. Does it slip the collective mind, that once you are charmed, you are basically dead anyway? That I, your Loving Infinite Master, can think of at least ten ways to kill you, and that making charm wear off over air zones simply deprives me of number seven or eight?
Now, instead of going all the way down this list of all the complicated ways in which I could force you to have fatal interactions with outside world, I'm just going to point out the immediate, just-you-and-me way of doing it.
o bob rem all o bob drop all o bob junk all (more satisfying than doing it myself) c 'petrification' bob (failed petrification attempts, which are in themselves unlikely against a naked character, do not break charm at my last check)
Bob is now dead.
Now can I please, pretty please, with hugs and sugar and kisses, be able to fly Derk over Teron without trying to think of an in character rationalization for these sort of random, unacceptable, pointless, annoying shennanagins?