Edoras wrote:
When you die to voodoo, your loot is not inherently forfeit, and to think so is insane. If that were true, people who could die to voodoo would just never log in the same time as an enemy shaman.
With this, someone could be sitting in the safest place possible, get voodoo'd, and then seanced for as long as the shaman seancing was "RPing," which really just means as long as is necessary for his/her allies to go grab the loot, regardless of how long that takes. In this case, it took 10 minutes, sure, but if I happened to be voodoo'd while inside my keep, for example, I guarantee you I'd end up seanced for as long as was necessary for them to break down the outer guardian and go grab my crap. And you can bet I won't be in the mood to "RP" then.
Allowing shaman to not only voodoo someone, but also keep them from being resurrected to get their stuff back discourages people from playing the game, because no matter or what precautions they take they can get full-looted without being able to do anything about it. I don't want SK to be a game where someone logs in, then realizes that they may as well log out unless they feel like getting full-looted regardless of what they do.
My main reason for posting this thread was to get some IMM-response, hopefully Dulrik, to see if this it's acceptable to have a spell in-game whose sole purpose for the last 2-3 years has been to keep people from being able to get resurrected, which doesn't seem to be the purpose that it was created for.
I am a newb so I'm assuming your keep is in regards to your cabal or tribunal? Wouldn't this have massive in-game consequences. Shouldn't this be relatively easy to rally your own group to recognize this threat? At some point your character's ego should be taking over and saying "My power is sought by our enemies, let us smite them brethren."
The situation you describe sounds exciting and epic. That said, I'm not going to complain if the nerf-hammer comes down on this, Dulrik's game should work as Dulrik intended.