ninja_ardith wrote:
I like the change to massive weapons, especially since it made some polearms more useful, but at the same time it really hurts the swashbuckler class. If swashbucklers were not so dependent on successful parries in combat then it wouldn't be so bad, but they've lagged behind mercenaries and barbarians ever since the defensive stance was introduced. Mercenaries and barbarians also have all these cool features that make them unique. Mercenaries get specialise, rallying cry, retreat. Barbarians get berserk, fury, headbutt, track, butcher. Swashbucklers pretty much just get taunt and finesse. While the class does retain some uniqueness to it, it is bland.
The bandalore weapon was pretty effective in showing what a weapon that can't be parried can do to a swashbuckler. Now just slap that on to a weapon that has less attacks, but more damage.
I would suggest that just changes be made to which weapons are considered as "massive." I certainly don't think any of the sword types actually justify as being massive.
On the plus side, I think they've definitely replaced warlocks as worst class to be playing.
Perhaps allow swashies (new type of parry skill for swashies only of course) the ability to parry massive weapons easier than any other class which has parry?