Thanks for the reply, D. Yes the item in question was resized to be giant sized. At the time I was wearing a full suit of tanso steel armor from Exile. My weight was still rather low at around 370/550ish or so. The axe itself was immensely heavy weighing in over 100 lbs or so.
Regardless though, why does such a strength limitation exist? I mean I can see it existing for smaller races, but giants have max strength. We're talking about giants that can lift and throw boulders that weigh 100+ lbs with ease, yet he can't wield a stone axe? Yeah, sure it's heavy, but it makes no sense both logically and thematically. "Giant Strength" makes people lift things they normally couldnt and even then, I can see some things a Giant can't lift, such as say, fountains and whatnot. Those are going to be humungous and weigh a metric ton, but unable to physical hold a mere 120 lbs with both hands?
Also as far as the downsides go, Giant's already have a few. One is having to resize gear, being weak to lightning which smart classes can utilize. It's not like they can't be thrown a bone every once in a while. Don't get me wrong, they're very good and still competitive, I'm not saying they aren't, but it sucks when you've spent literally days looking for a certain type of weapon, to finally find one, spend a couple more hours waiting to get it sized properly only to find out you can't even lift it with max strength..That's a big let down. At the time I made the post, I was pretty frustrated and it showed and I apologize for that.
Anyways, I'm tired. Sorry for going off on a tangent.
Oh, and one more thing..Ther'es a weird bug with resizing things logging on and off while we're talking about it. My Sp[rite often times resizes herself for rp purposes, but if I don't take off my clothes when I do it, it goes all wonky. Things will go from tiny to giant instantly, fall off and then when i go to resize them, they'll just bounce from giant to tiny a few times before sorting themselves out. I can replicate the bug at anytime if you want to see it. Thanks, D.