Dulrik wrote:
I'm just going to interject here that almost any change to enchant armor is going to kick-off a huge series of balance changes. When they finally wound down, how people play the end game would be nearly unrecognizable from what it is now. That doesn't mean I don't want to do it, but it does explain why I haven't touched this even though people have been clamoring for it for years. Once we change this, I'd estimate the fall-out will soak up 6-12 months of coding time.
I'll agree with the rest who responded to this: If it's done in a way that makes enchanting a suit with 100+ targeted enchants substantially easier, then yes, it will change the game completely. If it's done in a way that makes enchanting a suit with 120+ targeted enchants the same, but conversely makes enchanting a suit with 60 targeted enchants (still overall terrible) possible within 2-3 hours of enchanting, then it will be a good change.
It would also be great if this change also made higher level items have a much lower change of exploding so that you could actually reward people who go get the "hard to get" armor in the game instead of punishing them by making them have to either A) settle for terrible enchantments or B) make a group of 6 people wait around while they kill some deadly NPC 10 times to get a suit that works well. Places like the Iron Citadel and Dreamscape are almost completely a waste of time to travel to, because the armor there has been improved by IMMs who put max AC, 4 MP armor on NPCs that can be traveled to in 10 minutes from recalling while solo, or summoned.
If the spell is changed in a way that enchanting a mid-level (As in one with 30 protection and 20-30 enchantments towards one specific save) is possible through maybe 2-3 hours of enchanting, but enchanting a suit with 100+ targeted saves takes the same amount of time as it does now on average, then the end-game will not change, and new players will not be completely turned off by the massive timesink that enchanting introduces into the game.
As a side note, the last "end-game" style group I ever saw roll around was the Crucible's starting group, which was Jurithiel, Hutin, Ilyash, Nyoethai and Sakhul. They spent probably 10-30 hours enchanting each individual suit that they had, and they possessed sick saves. Then one day someone walk-in FSed 4 out of 5 of them while naked, destroying all of that work, and that same person was IMM-rezzed maybe 2 or 3 days later. Those guys never really returned to the PK scene, and I understand why.
My point is this: Right now enchanting requires you to dedicate an -absurd- amount of time into it even if all you want is one save and some MP, because you have absolutely no way of controlling what type of enchantment you get. The only thing that will happen if enchanting is fixed correctly will be that people will actually be able to spend less time enchanting and more time playing SK. That seems like a good change to me.