patrisaurus wrote:
I think it's unjustifiable to wordlessly roll through light aura areas slaughtering people for gear as a lightie and that certain things - priests, divine creatures, noncombatants, rulers, judges, etc - are obviously off limits. However my elf did authorize killing the paladin in Cain Techt on a limited basis as necessary to respawn his gear.
I don't see how you can justify this as a light-aura character. The NPC is even a paladin, so why aren't you just requesting? If you aren't high enough level to request his gear from him, then you shouldn't have it yet. If this is the case where the paladin is not flagged as light-aura, definitely typo log it, and pester imms until it is fixed. But you should never go out of character, particularly over gear.
Edit: And if this is because his stuff never re-spawned, it sounds like the bug is that he probably should be flagged as a unique character. Typo log it.