I deleted Ceciro, Ncar, Aerisand any alts I had. Between a full time job and starting my MBA/JD program, I really don't have the effort needed to play this game the way it is now. I wish I could say it wasn't a particular few people that have really destroyed my interest in the game as of late, but that just isn't the case. Sadly, I must admit I have been bested by a few of you, I didn't realize I'd become a player who just became so sickened with the behaviors of a few, that the game itself would not longer be worthwhile to me. I'll not say I'm quitting forever because I really do hope I'll have the desire to play again, I just cannot play the game alongside certain players, given their mentality and my real life commitments. To the most of you, it's been a blast on and off the last several years. To a select few, I hope to continue talking to you, even if I'm no longer playing SK. Especially, Kira, Mitch, Peso, Snuffles, Trag(even though you don't YIM, you're a hell of a guy), and Jhorleb(next time you're in Denver, hit me up). For now, I'm signing off. Please keep SK alive and healthy, I would like to come back and play again someday.