Dulrik wrote:
Premeditated or not, either way you'd have to either carry off the gear to deal with it later or else stand and defend the area for a few ticks. Both situations give the dead guy and his friends at least a small chance to recover the gear before it vanishes into the junk ether.
Do you have to carry off the gear with the entire corpse?
I really only see this benefitting larger races such as giants, minotaurs, and centaurs, and giving the shaft to smaller races like sprites, halflings, and dwarves. True that these days memory usage is not as big a problem as in the days of yesteryear, but I think it is just silly to say that we need to give people a chance to grab their gear after they and their friends probably died together to another group.
This does make me reflect back on a situation where team darkie was stupid enough to sit in enemy territory unbuffed, and completely vulnerable, and team lightie rolled in all buffed up and ready for a fight, and completely took a [REDACTED] on team darkie and we all died, but we were able to save our loot because Marietta was able to put down an adhesive medical strip to protect our loot. It didn't require any junk timer or anything of the sort. Or when Keleza decided to charge into a prepared group of lighties while we were completely unprepared and we all got killed, and I ate a full loot, but a few days later Yeren and I killed the guy with my loot, and I got most of it back.
I think this might just encourage reincarnating and spam dying as people try to rush to save the loot. Or reincarnate+call armor. What some people may see as a beneficial, and much needed change, I definitely see as detrimental.
The only change I am for is removing the decay timers from sacred loot, and allowing it to be sold at shops. That way Thran's proclamation of Father's Sacred Wares can totally be true.