So for those of us in the USA tax season is coming upon us. Yay!
(no not really
Any whose, if you are like me and get paid far less than you are worth there is a good chance you will be getting something back from the government and you might be asking yourself what should I do with my sudden wealth?
1) Pay off some bills - This is a good idea but will it make you happy? Ok yeah maybe in the long run yes, but SK has made you happy all year while you were still paying that bill too.
2) Put it into savings - Also a great idea...but do you really need to save ALL of it? Nah, toss a bit of that hard earned money into the only thing in your life that hasn't cost you all year! (pst I mean SK)
3) Got to Atlantic City or Vegas and gamble - I think this is my favorite, so while doing this, after your first big win, set aside one chip for SK! Then come see me and share the wealth.
4) Ummm something else you can think of that isn't is great as donating to SK.
5) Give it all to SK! - Subtlety is my strong suit.
And to Viltrax/Dulrik I seem to recall the old forums had a button for donating and I can't find it now. I know we can go to the main site for this, but some of us are inherently lazy/dumb and if something is easier we might be more inclined to do it.