Edoras wrote:
That's kind of my point. They're pretty close, -but- merc does have the upper hand when you get down to it, hence why just up and removing heavy armor from barbs just because "their other skills are good lol" is pretty stupid. It would only shift the balance even more towards mercs.
As another side note: The general rule of thumb used to be more along the lines of merc > barb > swash > merc, but now with massive weaponry, swashies don't stand a chance.
This is a no duh situation. Merc always beats barbarian. But I rolled a testbarb to see the skillset, and I'd be completely satisfied with my barbarian even if he wore light armor. There's also no real drop in ability if a mercenary were placed in the light armor category either, which one should do if they want to spec in a one-hander, and a reach weapon so that they can abuse bows for ranged combat. Both classes would be fine. But the argument of why mercenaries are better than barbarians doesn't come down to the type of armor they wear, it comes down to the skillset, and a few other things like frenzy.
Barbarians do have a ranged option in sling. Sure it has less range than bows/crossbows, but a barbarian can still sit in the 3rd rank and drop 5 ranged attacks a round on some unsuspecting spellcaster.
For me, it's not that the mercenary is better than the barbarian. Both classes are really spoiled, and I hardly see the issue of changing armor type down 1 notch as hurting the class at all.
The easiest change to bring mercenaries in line with barbarians is just to make frenzy cast self-only, but so far Dulrik hasn't been too keen on that idea. There was, of course, a time when mercenaries had the berserk skill too.