ninja_ardith wrote:
I also remember that I'm not the one coming to the forums and complaining about a build I am completely ravaging
I don't think the grass is actually as green as it is made out to be.
I think this argument sort of obfuscates things by implying that the current lot is getting owned due to build rather than difference in ability. It's of course all a thought experiment until someone gets around to proving they're broken.
Still, that isn't really my issue - in the here/now, in the griffon case (see note 1 below), it significantly empowers the "haha, only a flesh wound!" mentality in players who are getting totally owned 5x a day. That's just not fun and I'm sort of in principle against code changes that lower the skill gap, though I do like the notion that buffs should be harder to come by. We shouldn't be striving to turn this game into modern warfare where you just respawn.
note 1: It should be fair game to discuss the actual impact on the game of all changes to MR barbarians in terms of their affect on griffon barbs and griffon barbs only. Until it becomes something that is actually done that is just as much of a thought experiment as complaining about builds that are losing. I don't see non-griffon MR barbs ever being a thing that is done unless something happens to give them flight, whereas there's frequently an MR barb or two around and has been since MR barbs were introduced.