Kin wrote:
First off, Senyn's player is new. This is his first character and I'm sure he was trying to be helpful. He probably thought breath of life was just another spell for giving life like resurrection and didn't see any difference. Cut him a bit of slack, I'm sure he won't do it again if he's simply told ooc about the helpfile and the consequences of the spell.
Secondly, I don't see why the spells cost any more experience seeing as they need a corpse as a catalyst. If anything, with so many ways of destroying corpses immediately (butcher, etc) these spells should be just like res and not cost experience either or cost very little. I could see resurrection costing experience since it literally creates you a new body, but priests are already in low numbers right now. I know death is supposed to mean something in SK, but honestly, experience isn't the answer. -No one- likes grinding for hours on end to get those ticks back, and with the familiarity, some auras get fubared as to where they can train effectively. Even more so since the familiarity itself never decreases and experience eventually becomes nerfed in common training spots.
Have you even played this game? I get the feeling that you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Compared to the initial incarnations of the spells which could wipe an entire level of xp, back when it was *much, much* harder to level a character, I think they're fine now. Not to mention that players can also use poltergeist now, it's not that bad of a spell.