ladyjennbo wrote:
A lot of lighties will often use mode stun, and even darkies will use it when engaging youngish players. Unfortunately you can't control if the other person stuns or not. From your emote I would not have been able to tell you were stunning - you would have had to say "Let's fight this out! To stun!"
I wanted to avoid metagaming through emotes so I wrote the emote to show that she would be fighting with the flat side of her blade, meaning that she wouldn't be using the edge. If you hit someone with the flat you're not going to be hurting them so much.
archaicsmurf wrote:
Sounds like that person should be cursed 5 levels.
I'm not upset about the incident, I'm just disappointed that my character was pked after an absolute minimum of rp over some worthless items and the person couldn't be bothered reciprocate the courtesy I extended him and switch to stun mode. It's not like there was some big provocative confrontation which led to the pking either, and the items taken from me weren't valuable or important anyway.
I'm also disappointed that when I later encountered the person in an inn, he wouldn't even stay to rp.